We welcome you to our privacy page. Your privacy is our first responsibility. We brief you on how the information we collect from you is used.
Information we collect
Whenever you visit our website and register, we collect information from you through form filling or communication, which is done at your will. This information may include your name, email, postal address, phone number, and payment information, as well as your browsing language, browsing type, referring site, and the date and time the request was submitted.
How We Use Your Information
Based on the information you provide, the website is updated and improved, and transaction information is sent to you for other services such as email.
How We Protect Your Information
Strict measures are taken to protect your personal information. Any information collected from you is carefully stored to prevent unauthorized access.
Cookies are used to understand your future visits and preferences. Aggregate data about site traffic and interactions are compiled to provide better experiences and tools in the future.
Third-Party Disclosure
We never give your personal information to any outside party for trading or selling purposes except those trusted people who help us run our website and our business. Also, prior consent is given to keep the information confidential.
Third-Party Links
From time to time, we may need to use the services of other parties or websites for our website. These websites have separate and independent privacy policies. We are not responsible for the content of such websites.
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act
Under the Children’s Online Protection Act, we do not provide services or products to or collect information from children under 13. Our Services and Products are intended only for persons over 13.